So you've joined a tennis team. Or you're on a team and you're starting to think about how to get more play time this season. What can you do, if anything, to make sure your captain puts you in the line-up again and again? Well, winning is one thing you can do of course. But believe it or not, there are several other things you can do to make sure your captain chooses you to play. In this episode, I'll give you a few tips on how to be a great tennis team member, the kind that gets to play every week. You can listen to this episode by clicking on the media player in this post or by listening in with your favorite podcast app. You can also subscribe in iTunes by clicking on this link:

After you’ve captained a tennis team, you realize that your best team member is not necessarily your most highly skilled player. If you want to be the team member that your captain plays again and again, follow these tips:
1. Be available.
To be a great tennis team member, you need to be available to play. Nothing is worse for a captain than forfeiting a line because she can’t find anyone to play that day. So make sure that you are always available to play. Captains love the team member who is ready and willing to play at the last minute. This means if you are on a Wednesday team, don’t schedule your manicure for Wednesday morning. Keep your Wednesdays open for tennis.
2. Play at whatever line you're needed for.
Play at whatever line you’re needed. You may think you are a Line 1 player. And maybe you are. But sometimes your captain needs a player at Line 4 so she won’t have to forfeit Line 4 that day. Sometimes she needs someone to play with that team member that others find “difficult” to partner with. Sometimes she has a strategy that includes playing stronger players at lower lines. If you are always willing to play any line, your captain will not only appreciate your attitude but will play you more often.
3. Be a willing partner.
Be a willing partner. Nothing is harder on a captain than having one team member who no one else wants to play with. I have had team members come to me and actually say, “Don’t ever play me with her . . . ever!” While you may feel that way about certain players, the reality is that a captain has some obligation to play everyone on the team at least some of the time. And eventually someone has to play with that player that no one likes. And it should not be the captain over and over. So be willing to “take one for the team” occasionally and partner up with that unwanted team member.
4. Be a good partner.
Be a good partner. If you want to avoid being the “unwanted team member” referred to in No. 4 above, be a good partner to your fellow team mates. Be positive. Make good, honest calls. Don’t throw in the towel in a match even when you feel like you can’t come back. Don’t blame your partner for her mistakes. Don’t ever say to your partner “You have to get those.” Be the partner that everyone enjoys playing with and your captain will be happy to play you often.
5. Appreciate your captain.
Appreciate your captain. Being a tennis team captain is not easy. A captain may have to set new lines each week. She is often strategizing ways to win points just to keep your team from being moved to a lower level. She has to deal with league directors, other captains and, of course, a whole team full of players, each with their own personal agendas. If the team is losing, players may blame the captain for making bad pairings and following the wrong strategies. If the team is winning, players may feel its only due to their superior tennis skills. So, appreciate your team captain. Tell her what a great job she’s doing every once in a while. Your support will not only make her happy, but may result in you playing as often as you’d like!
If you want to check out my latest holiday gift guide, click on the link below. It includes links to all of the gift guides I've done over the last few years:
- Best Holiday Gifts for Tennis Players! 2019 Edition
- Best Holiday Gifts for Tennis Players – 2016 Women's Edition
- Best Holiday Gifts for Tennis Players – 2016 Fitness Edition
- Best Holiday Gifts for Tennis Players – 2016 Stocking Stuffers
- Best Holiday Gifts for Tennis Players – 2015 Women's Edition
- Best Holiday Gifts for Tennis Players – 2015 Fitness Edition
- Best Holiday Gifts for Tennis Players – 2015 Stocking Stuffers
- Best Holiday Gifts for Tennis Players – 2014 Women's Edition
- Best Holiday Gifts for Tennis Players – 2014 Fitness Edition
- Best Holiday Gifts for Tennis Players – 2014 Stocking Stuffers
- Best Gifts For Tennis Players – Tennis Fixation 2013 Holiday Gift Guide
- Best Last Minute Gifts And Stocking Stuffers For Tennis Players
- Tennis Fixation 2012 Holiday Gift Guide – Best Gifts For Tennis Players!
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