Hi! I'm Kim and I'm completely fixated on tennis!
I'm a regular, everyday tennis player who loves the game. I'm not a tennis pro. I didn't play in college or in high school or even when I was a kid. I started playing as an adult and I quickly became obsessed with tennis. I studied the game, trying to learn as much as I could be taking lessons, going to clinics and drills, reading books, watching DVDs and spending hours and hours on-line, searching for quick and easy tips that could help me improve my game fast.
I play a lot of tennis now – usually three to four times a week. I am on three different tennis teams, I take private lessons and attend tons of drills and clinics. I constantly read and research ways to take my game to the next level.
All of this effort has really paid off for me. In just a few years, I moved from playing Line 6 (out of 6) on a beginner team to being on a winning Open level team. I started this website, TennisFixation.com, to talk about everything I've learned and explain all of the tennis tips I've learned and how they can help others improve. I also started hosting a weekly podcast, Tennis Quick Tips, to give even more helpful tennis tips and insight. To help improve my own game, I studied up on fitness and then became a Tennis Performance Trainer, certified by the International Tennis Performance Association, so I could teach tennis fitness to others. And, because I truly love teaching others about the game, I started coaching kids in tennis and became certified as a Recreational Coach by the United States Professional Tennis Association.
And I want to help you take your game to that next, higher level too. I want to pass on everything I've learned to help you become the kind of tennis player you've always wanted to be.
That's where Tennis Fixation comes in. Tennis Fixation is an honest and real resource. I'm not going to try and teach you to serve like Roger Federer or hit a swinging volley like Serena Williams. Because that's probably never going to happen for you. It certainly isn't for me!
Instead, I'm going to give you all of the great tips, techniques and strategies I've discovered that will quickly and easily improve your game – things that you can put into action right away to see real results. You'll also find lots of info about the fun part of tennis – the clothes, the gear, the pros, the food (yes, the food!). I love to review and tell my readers about anything associated with tennis, whether its the latest tennis book, a really great line of equipment or fabulous tennis outfits – stuff that makes you look like you know what you're doing out there on the court.
It's easy (and free!) to get all of this great information. Just subscribe to Tennis Fixation's updates! As a bonus, you'll receive my free cheat sheet – 10 Quick Fixes to Improve Your Serve: No Lessons Required. In it, you'll find my very best tips to help take your serve to the next level. Click here to sign up:
I know you'll enjoy Tennis Fixation and I hope you'll get in touch with me if you ever have tennis questions, comments or suggestions!

Thanks for all you do. Missed getting news from you, so happy to see you back!
Thanks Lisa! You are so sweet and I really appreciate your comment!
Hi Kim, I’m not much of a blog reader but I came across your site and you sound a lot like me. I took up tennis as an adult and I am completely fixated! I am looking for some advice on a fitness routine to ramp back up to tennis. I was playing 4-5 times per week between clinics and matches. During the 6 week shut down this spring I became a total couch potato. When our courts opened I went back to it full strength (with a new racquet I purchased 1 week before the shut down) and ended up with a knee injury and terrible tennis elbow. I am thinking that it’s due to lack of general fitness and straining my joints because my muscles are not as strong as they should be. Ideally, I would like to assemble a 20-30 min per day routine that I can do at home so that I will be ready to go back this fall and to maintain my general fitness to avoid injury moving forward. Is this something you have done, might do in your blog or can point me to a resource for? Thanks and happy hitting!
Did you stop dong the podcasts?
Hey Kim , your content is great. Sad to see you stopped. But appreciate content from the past.