So tennis season is right around the corner and you're looking for a way to really turn it all around for your team. You know what would do that for you? A really cool tennis team name! I've been collecting fun tennis tteam names for quite awhile, since I was once “questioned” about a team name I chose (I stand by the team name I selected – The Tennis Chicks. It was fun and hip and our team t-shirt was very cute. The lady who questioned me was in her 70s and smoked.).
While I have put together several lists over the years, I recently collected them all and updated them and created this – my list of the Best Tennis Team Names Ever! Look these over because I'm sure there is one that will speak to you.
And if you want to get the complete list on one page, as well as access to my very best tennis tips, just enter your email below:
These are names that are obviously for a tennis team (vs. any other sports team):
- Aces
- Acers
- Ad-Ins
- Alley Cats
- Alley Gators
- Anti-Strokes
- Backhanded Compliments
- Baby's Got Backhand
- Beer Nets (combining two favorite activities)
- Come Back Girls
- Court Jesters
- Dare Doubles
- Deucebags (Oh My Goodness!)
- Double The Fun
- Double Trouble
- Hot Drops
- Hot Shots
- In Crowd
- Love ‘Em And Leave ‘Em
- Love Hurts
- Love Stinks
- Match Makers
- Mid-Court Crisis
- Net Nuts
- Net Prophets
- Net Setters
- No Faults
- Over Served
- Poachers
- Queens of the Court
- Racqueteers
- Racquettes
- Slammers
- Shot Girls
- Shot Sisters
- Slice Girls
- Smash Girls
- Super Shots
- Sweet Shots
- Sweet Spots
- Tennis Addicts
- Tennis Angels
- Topspinners
- Unmatchables
- Volley Girls
- Ace Bandages
- Ball Busters (if you're brave enough to use it)
- Banger Sisters
- Called To Serve
- Casual Sets (think about it)
- Double Shots (I’m reading this as alcohol-related but maybe that’s just me.)
- Drop Shots
- Full Metal Racquets (love it!)
- Good Gets
- Got Its
- Grand Slammers
- High Fives
- Hit and Run
- Kiss My Ace (you better have a good team if you pick with this name)
- Match Points
- Miss Hits
- Net Assets
- No Love Guru
- Pure Insanity
- Racquet Scientists (very clever)
- Scared Hitless (while I love this one, I probably wouldn't pick it, too loser-y)
- Serves You Right
- Serve-Aces (get it? like “cervezas”)
- Servivors
- Sets In The City (old but clever)
- Simply Smashing
- String Courtets
- Swinging Singles (for a singles team, get it?)
- Terminetters
- Tightly Strung
- Whaqued (I love that one!)
- Chargers
- Double The Fun
- Dream Team
- Fine Whines
- Jammers
- Laser Shots
- Morning Glory
- Victorious Secret
- Violet Offenders (you wear purple – get it?)
What's your team's name? Please add to the list! Just leave your comment below with your own clever tennis team name so we can create the Ultimate Best Tennis Teams Ever list!

© Kim Selzman 2015-2020 All Rights Reserved
LOl… great write-up. I like “Slammers” and “Ace Bandages” personally! 🙂
No Love Guru
Can’t believe you missed out my favourite! – “Deucebags” 😉
Beer Nets
Beer Nets or Beer Nuts!
I used “Pure Insanity.”
Great name – and great philosophy of tennis! I play a version of this at times which my partner and I call getting on the “crazy train.”
Our team name is Gr8 M8’s, it’s working so far – LOL
We are “Love ’em and leave ’em”.
Morning Glory is the name if my daytime team. Swinging Singles is – you guessed it – my singles team.
We are ‘Over Served’….
I like Baby’s got Backhand!!
Backhand Compliments
anti stroke
Eat Pray Love Tennis
All About that Baseline
Burnin’ it Down
how about “Servers, not waiters”
“I’d Hit That”