What's one of the quickest ways to get re-energized in the middle of a tennis match? Drink some water! Being properly hydrated can keep you energetic and focused when you're playing a long match. When you're dehydrated, you can feel weak, fuzzy-headed, and even worse. In this episode, I get some great hydration tips from physician and marathon runner Dr. Jennifer Trotter about how endurance athletes, like runners and, of course, tennis players, can stay properly hydrated when engaging in several consecutive hours of exercise. You can listen to this episode by clicking on the media player above or by listening in with your favorite podcast app. You can also subscribe in iTunes by clicking on this link: tennisfixation.com/itunes.
I am so excited about this episode of Tennis Quick Tips because it is my very first interview! In my recent year-end survey, several of you suggested I try this out every once in a while so that's exactly what I'm doing. And I'm especially excited about my very first guest because she's someone I go to for health and fitness tips all of the time – my very own sister, Jennifer Trotter. Jenny is a practicing pediatrician here in Houston but, more importantly in my opinion, she is an avid runner. She just completed the Houston Marathon this past weekend, has run at least eight other marathons, and has run so many half-marathons that she can't keep count. She's the person I go to when I have questions about what sports drinks I should use, what to eat before, during and after exercise, how do compression socks work, what's the deal with sports jelly beans. The list of questions I've asked her goes on and on and on.
Anyway, we were talking about her marathon recently and she told me she was surprised at how dehydrated some of the runners were despite the fact that the weather was beautiful – not too hot – and marathoners usually are pretty proficient with hydrating. So in this episode of Tennis Quick Tips, that's what Jenny and I talk about – hydration tips for endurance athletes. Because just like marathoners, we tennis players are endurance athletes. We're often out on the court engaging in exercise for hours at a time. So I knew Jenny would have some great tips for staying properly hydrated in these situations.
In this episode, you'll learn about:
- why hydration is so important for athletes
- the effects of dehydration on athletic performance
- when to hydrate both before and during exercise
- using electrolytes and carbohydrates as part of your hydration plan
- when to use sports drinks and endurance sports drinks
- using electrolyte supplements or capsules
- what the urine color test is and how to do it
- using weight loss as a measure of dehydration
- the effects of taking in caffeine during exercise
Please note that this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Please do not rely on anything we discuss in this podcast as medical advice and seek out the advice of your own doctor if you have medical questions or concerns.
If you're interested in the electrolyte capsules that Jenny and I discuss in this episode, here's a link (not an affiliate link, just a direct link to the vendor's site with additional information):
- Hammer Endurolytes
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Happy Tennis!

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