Happy New Year! Now that the holidays are officially over and the new year is here, I'm ready to amp up my game in some way, take it to a new and (hopefully) better level. To do that, it's a good idea to take a look back at where I've been in my tennis life and set some goals for where I want to go in 2015. If you're interested in knowing how you can improve your own tennis game and have a fantastic 2015, I've got some ideas below. So read on!
Big Accomplishments at Tennis Fixation in 2014
So just what happened here this past year? A lot!
- Forty new episodes of the Tennis Quick Tips podcast were published in 2014. The most popular episode of 2014 (and of all time actually) was Episode 43 – All About Tennis Racquets. I know you guys love the equipment and gear posts so you'll see more of those in 2015. And thank you to those of you who went over to iTunes to leave a rating and/or review of the podcast. That really helps me and I appreciate it so much.
- My tennis tips book was published! Real Tennis Tips for Real Tennis Players became available as an ebook in February, was put out as a Kindle book in May, and, finally, was published in paperback form in November. Thanks to the very many of you who got a copy of this book and to those of you who left reviews on Amazon. I truly appreciate that you took the time to do that.
- I became a tennis coach! Yes, 2014 was the year I started teaching tennis to kids. And what a blast that was! The children I taught were all beginners and, for the most part, had never picked up a tennis racquet before. But they were so enthusiastic and several of them expressed an interest in playing tennis on a more competitive level. I had such fun with them and got to hit a lot of tennis balls during these lessons myself (so win-win for me).
- I became a certified tennis coach! As part of my training to teach these kids, I became a certified 10 and Under Tennis Coach by the USPTA. This involved taking an on-line course and then going to a live training session with tennis coaches from all over Texas. Again, this involved meeting some really fun people and hitting lots of tennis balls so I loved it.
- I played singles for my USTA summer tennis team. That was a big deal for me as I have not done much singles play at all. While I've talked about playing more singles for quite a while, 2014 was the year I actually did it. And doing that has definitely inspired my plans for 2015 as I'm hoping to make singles a more permanent part of my game.
- I attended the Tennis Congress for the second year in a row. The Tennis Congress is a weekend-long tennis camp that brings together adult recreational players and incredible high-level coaches, trainers and other tennis professionals. I've learned so much during the two Congresses I've attended (much of which I've tried to pass on here) and have met some great players and just had a blast attending this event.
- I became a Tennis Performance Trainer through the International Tennis Performance Association. Pursuing this certification was a direct result of some of the training I received at the Tennis Congress. Becoming a Tennis Performance Trainer required that I learn all about tennis fitness and injury prevention. Again, I've passed some of that info on here but plan to do even more of that in 2015.
And the Results of the Tennis Fixation Year-End Survey!
One of the best and most satisfying accomplishments of 2014 was putting together the Tennis Fixation Year-End Survey. In early November, I started reviewing my year to figure out what had gone well here and what I could do in the coming year to make this site even more useful for all of you who are working so hard to play better tennis. Somewhere along the way, I got the bright idea to just ask you and that's where the survey came in. So many of you were generous with your time and completed all of the questions, giving me not just a great idea about who you all are but also what you want to see more of here at Tennis Fixation. Here's what I learned:
- About 67% of you are female and 33% of you are male.
- The vast majority of you (88%) are age 40 or older (Hooray for us “more experienced” players!).
- We pretty much all want a better serve (75%) and improved mental toughness (59%).
- Almost all of you stay updated with Tennis Fixation by e-mail (92%).
While these numbers are so helpful in giving me insights, what I loved was hearing what you want to see more of here on Tennis Fixation. I've printed out all of your responses – what you'd like me to share more of, what tennis skills you'd most like to improve, what questions you'd like me to answer – and these will definitely be my focus, both here on the website and in the podcast, in 2015.
My Big Tennis Fixation Goals for 2015
So just what are my plans for Tennis Fixation in 2015? Well, in next week's episode of the Tennis Quick Tips podcast, I'm going to let you know what my personal tennis goals for the year are. I have three of them and I talk about a great tool that I'll be using to achieve those goals in the new year. I hope you'll listen in on that, or check out the show notes, so you can learn how to use this tool to help achieve your own tennis goals (that episode is called “How To Achieve Your Tennis Goals in 2015” and will be at https://tennisfixation.com/quicktips67 when it comes out).
As for Tennis Fixation itself, my goals are pretty big (I think).
- I'll continue to put out weekly episodes of the Tennis Quick Tips podcast and plan to have at least 50 of those published in 2015.
- I will be adding interviews to the Tennis Quick Tips podcast! The format of the podcast will remain the same – short, easily digestible episodes that give you quick tips you can immediately put to use on the court. But I'll be bringing in some of the great coaches, players and other experts that I know can help all of us play better tennis fast.
- I will be putting out three Tennis Mini-Courses to bring you even more quick and easy instruction to, once again, help you play better tennis fast. And these courses will be explicitly focused on the areas that you told me you wanted to learn more about in the year-end survey. So just what are Tennis Mini-Courses? Stay tuned to find out. I think you're going to love them.
- I hope to have another book out by the end of the year. I have a great idea and I know you all would love it. It's just finding the time and doing the work to get it done right.
So that's my epic review of 2014 and my big goals for 2015. I hope you'll continue following along with Tennis Fixation and put all of this tennis information to work in improving your own tennis game in this coming year.
And let me know about your own tennis goals and what you want to achieve in 2015. I love hearing from you and your comments truly help guide me in putting together useful content. You can leave your comment below or email me at kim@tennisfixation.com.
Are you looking for some tennis goals and/or resolutions to make in 2015? Check out these posts from previous years for some great ideas:
- Tennis Resolutions That Will Improve Your Game In the New Year (2014) – Tennis Quick Tips Episode 26
- Happy New Year – Top Tennis Resolutions for 2013!
- Top Tennis Resolutions for 2012
Happy New Year and Happy Tennis!

© Kim Selzman 2015-2020 All Rights Reserved